Parc Mont Tremblant Trip - May 14 + 15, 2005

Except for the cold rain that fell all day Saturday, the hardy (foolish) men on this trip ended up with the perfect weekend to paddle the Assumption river. This is a scenic river with a steady series of easy class I, II rapids. It flows out of the north east side of Mt.Tremblant park. Water levels can make or break this trip, and even though the ice had only recently left the river, we had just enough to water keep us off the rocks most of the time. Poor weather in early season also means you won't encounter too many people.
Park fees are steep. And you have to bring firewood or buy it there.

(Click on image for larger view)

Glen and Fred, Tim and Robert
Early morning mist at a widening of the Assumption
river, Glen (stern) Fred (Bow) of the yellow Esquif Presage.
Tim (stern) Robert (Bow) in the red Old Town Camper.

A calm spot before the next calss I
Glen and Fred
Glen, an experienced whitewater paddler in the stern
and Fred, on his first whitewater trip in the bow,
handle the first part of a class II tech, with ease ...

Glen and Fred, class II tech
... and the second part went pretty well too.
Greg and Robert
Greg, in the bow, is normally the camera man, so this is a

Greg and Robert
rare shot of him in action.
Greg and Robert
Some heretics thought it was game over here but those
doubters underestimated the benefit of a modest brace
judiciously applied. They also underestimated the
sternman''s desire to avoid swimming in icy water.

Glen in the Kayak .

Supporting Canadian beef producers.

Happy camper

Tim, Fred, Robert and Glen
This shot was taken to provide evidence, for wives and
girlfriends, that the guys didn't spend Saturday at the
motel in Rawdon watching the sports channel. Fred
taught us to speak Japanese. Can you say
Nakimoro (sp)?

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