Rigaud River
April 20, 2013

(Click on image for larger view)

Thirteen paddlers participated in our 2013 descent of the Rigaud River Saturday April 20. As many as 50 turned out in 2011 but this year, 40km winds, near-zero temperatures and snow squalls kept rational people away. The water level was high as we launched at Lochinvar road. We moved along quickly in the current, most obstacles were covered and there were no significant technical challenges.

Members of the Dalkeith Historical Society braved the weather to welcome everyone as we arrived at Dalkeith and provide us with a hot meal and refreshments. You folks really went above and beyond the call on this one.

Thanks to Frances, Lesley, Rose Marie and others who compiled the following list of birds sighted along the way.

Brown Thrasher
Northern Harrier
Turkey Vulture
Sharp Shinned Hawk
Downey Woodpecker
Blue winged Teal
Common Mergansers
Spotted ???Sandpiper
Greater Yellow Legs
Common Grackle
American Starling
Canada Geese
Snow Geese(north of start)
Wood Ducks
Black Duck
Gull (in field)
Mourning Dove
We also had several beaver and muskrat sightings.

The day after our trip I noticed that water levels had dropped. Unless we get some rain, it's quite possible that we picked the only weekend this year when this section of the Rigaud can still be paddled. At the beginning of the last century people paddled there, spring, summer and fall.

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